Thursday, January 6, 2011

Why I love Winter: Books

I love long stretches of *very* cold weather, when you have nothing else to do but chill with a whole pile of books from the library. Yes... lovely times. Very lovely. :-)

 {Yes, the National Geographic is mine... no. Curious George is not.}

 {In case you were wondering.... the Trial is a *very* good book. Read it.}

{My family likes books... this is probably less than a quarter of what we checked out that day} 


  1. Three cheers for lots of good books! :)

    Are you *sure* the Curious George book wasn't yours? ;)

  2. I love this post. :) the pictures are way much fun! I love the pic of your little sister flipping through the books. =)

    it just...makes me smile. =) maybe add that to my loves list? {looking at Kelley's pictures} :D

    Love you!


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