Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Holub Family

Wow, I'm a little behind on posting... but I've been so busy with so many pictures! {happy times} all on top of being sick {not so happy times} Anyway, I got the opportunity to take the Holub's family pictures {the first one's ever! :-) } It was a good time!


  1. great pictures, girl! I love fall...and you captured it so beautifully. =) I'm sure this family LOVES their pictures!

  2. Thanks so much Ruth Ann. Do you guys get fall like this in Florida?? :)

  3. Kelley, we don't get fall quite like this. We have some leaves that change colors, but mostly, it's just beautiful weather...until it gets hot in the fall or winter. :( it can be so beautiful - like the past few days here. It makes me so happy!!! but really, one day I want to travel up north to see some leaves changing and all that *beautiful* fall weather that I only see in pictures and hear about from friends who live there. :)


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