Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dream Big

[I wrote these notes in my journal from my dad's sharing on a Sunday, a few days before my last post on good stories. When I wrote that post I was having a hard time dreaming, and seeing the future. So it was good for me to go back and read this today. I hope it encourages you as well! We serve a HUGE God, and we shouldn't be afraid to dream]

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" [Psalm 37:4]

Dreams shouldn't be limited by your flesh. Fear to dream often shows immaturity, a fear of man or a fear of failure, because in reality the dreams aren't ours, they are God's and it's up to Him if they are finished, or if they are redirected.

Don't be embarrassed to share your dreams; it's not failure if God decides for you not to go there. It might not be His will. But if you don't set your dreams high, nothing will ever happen. What is in your heart? Where do you want to go? If you don't reach for something, you will never go anywhere.

God can stop your dreams, He can re-direct them, or show you that they aren't for you, but He can't do that if you don't have any in the first place. You have to dream big in God. David had to believe that he was going to be king or he would never had spent all that time in the wilderness and it would never have happened.

Success isn't money, it isn't power, it isn't position, but your dreams aren't limited by them. God can overcome those all.

So dust off those dreams, write them down, starting thinking about them, praying about them, pursuing them, and trust God!

Dream BIG,


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