Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Bahamas!!!

Ok, I am sorry blog readers!!! I promised that I'd keep you caught up on my trip... but it didn't end up happening that way, for one thing for five days of the trip I was without internet... :D Anyway... I'm back at life in cold MN... {and realizing how much I love jeans, a sweatshirt and a stocking cap, I can't believe how much I missed it!}

The first day we pretty much hung out and recovered from getting up at 2am.

{Frangipani flowers - Susan's favorite :) }

We went snorkeling that day, and hung out at the beach...

This house is an old drug dealing place, and it was fantastically creepy... wish we could have explored it :)

Touching a sea urchin... It was so amazing!

Then we went back for some snow crab biters... mmmmm, yummy. Seriously all the food was amazing.

Annnnd the view from my bedroom.

The other view :)

{all these pictures were taken with my friends underwater point and shoot... with the exception of the last two. more to come......}


  1. I love these! And that's funny...Susan is taller than all of you. ;) Can't wait to see more!

  2. Too bad you didn't have a good time. ;) Great to see some pics, girl!!!


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