Saturday, September 29, 2012

{John and Carol - Preview}

I'm so glad I could be a part of John and Carol's wedding day... They were so excited to get married, Carol kept asking "can we get married yet? can we get married yet?" :) Congratulations guys!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

{Derek - Class of 2013 | Princeton MN Highschool Senior Photography}

Derek is pretty much like my little brother. We've know each other for a while, and I'm really good friends with his sisters, so he feels just like family. Complete with all the fights and arguments you usually have with little brothers. Luckily we actually got along fairly well for his shoot ;) I'm glad I got to take your senior pictures, bro. Can't wait to see where God takes you in the future!

Monday, September 24, 2012

{Happy Monday | Personal}

Happy Monday everyone!

Life has been so crazy lately, like one of my friends said, "geeze, feels like I have to get on your waiting list." haha!

Busy with photography, working on this lovely session right now... aren't they just so adorable!? This is my third year photographing their family, and I just love spending time with them. I pulled up to their house last week, and all three kids race out to my car before I even step out... "guess what!? we got baby cows!" "I'm four now! and she's three!" "Lets go look at the horses!" "do you like my cat? Our other cat ran away!" "We had popcorn for a snack!" Pretty much stealing my heart.

This Saturday I'm looking forward to Jon and Carol's wedding. It's an intimate little gathering in Isle, MN that is totally and uniquely THEM, and I am SO excited that I get to be a part of it. Can't wait!

I'm training for a 10 mile race, that is in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! >_< It's my first race over a 5k distance, and I'm both nervous and super excited.

On Wednesday some friends and I are going up to Park Rapids for the Impact World Tour. Check out the website if you're interested in going!

I also started a new job.. I'm now managing for the swim school that I work for (, which I think will be a great fit for me. I'm really excited to get to be a bigger part in the school. But it means I am back to three jobs...Apparently I can never last very long with just two. haha!

And one last thing....I read this in Jesus Calling this morning, and it was so good for me today:

"Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long." {Psalm 89:15-16}

Remember to rejoice in His name, ALL DAY LONG!

Friday, September 21, 2012

{The Groebner Family | Princeton MN Family Photography}

The Groebners are like my other family, and I was really glad to get to take a few family portraits for them last week. Love you all!

These next two pictures were an attempt at re-creating an old family picture... obviously the kids were a lot smaller then ;)

{This is What You Do - Bethel Music | Personal}

This is today's theme song. So beautiful and happy.

"It's always like spring time with You // making all things new... This is what You do // This is what You do // You make me come alive."

Monday, September 17, 2012

{Anna and Kaylee | Brainerd, MN Gymnastics Portraits}

Kaylee and Anna are 2013 seniors and are both captains on the Brainerd High School Gymnastics team {click on their names to view their portrait sessions}. Before we did their senior sessions, we were able to met at the gym and play around for a while. I've been missing shooting sports, since this is  my first season in six years that I haven't shot for the Staples World newspaper, so this was LOTS of fun for me!